
On great finds and on being yourself, whoever that might be

Leftover pictures from the years 2010-2011

"Be yourself is about the worst advice you can give to some people. However, what I've seen of you, I think it suits you perfectly. You're a beautiful person. You think about life: yourself, people around you, what's going on in the world.

You take time to examine who you really are. Although you might not have found the place for yourself, you keep searching. You have the guts to say: I will never fit in here, even if I try my hardest. Do not stop. I think you are well on your way to being your wonderful self, finding where you fit, where you are wanted and most importantly where you want to be. The road there is probably long and bumpy, but take the most out of it. . . .

Take chances, you'll grow."

This and a few parts that I left out of the quote were sent to me on the 30th of July, 2010. It's been a year and seven months since.

I found the whole thing hand-written in my diary, or one of those diaries I tried to keep and failed miserably. I still have no idea who wrote it.

If you are reading this, I want you to know that I found your text at the most crucial time ever. Thank you.

Just to let you know, I haven't stopped searching, and I might've found at least one place where I fit and where I am wanted. And, like you said, most importantly, where I want to be. I'm eager to find out if London is the next one.

The road has been long but I've taken chances, I've grown. Sometimes probably in the wrong direction and a perhaps a tiny bit crooked but just fine.

I no longer worry that much about being the one that quickly passes through other people's lives. I have found that not all the people I meet and get to know are ones I myself am willing to pull back and I don't expect everyone to do so with me anymore. I guess it's just plain old life. I'm afraid of slipping into the mentality of letting go of everyone too easily and deducing that it's only fair, though. I'm hoping to find a balance in that as well as in everything. That's called growing up, right?

I'm grateful that you sent what you'd written. I think messages like that should be sent to everyone, since I'm definitely not the only one worthy of encouragement. The most beautiful, talented and wonderful people struggle with the same things. And I'll tell you, it's a hell of a struggle.

PS: Look what yours truly got in the mail today; "The Globalization of World Politics - An introduction to international relations". This is what I'll be concentrating on until I leave for Copenhagen, where I will concentrate on things that you concentrate on when you're young and pretty and alive and free and all those clichéd things.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. T. R!!

    Ei kukaan tollo jeanspers kuten tosta peelohyniöstä voisi päätellä.

    1. hahahha kiitos muistutuksesta mun menneisyydestä... poistin ettei kukaan lähde googlettelemaan (koska tota en halua julki...)! onneksi ei ollu jean persin käsialaa kuitenkaan, pus!

  3. how many books have you approximately read? Who are your favourite writers?

    Have a nice week cutie!

    1. how many books during my entire life? quite a few, but i guess it's the ones that have made an impact on me that matter: kerouac, ginsberg, salinger, foer and the likes (and hesse, although it makes me a bit embarrassed to say). also, a few finnish ones: sinnemäki, kotro, leskinen.

      have a lovely, lovely end of the week!

  4. http://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/YK-selvitys+Tanska+Suomi+ja+Norja+maailman+onnellisimmat+maat/a1305559227160


    Vaikken ihan uskokaan tuommoisia tutkimuksia, niin ainakaan toi ei tarjoa syytä olla lähtemättä Tanskaan!

    1. mä en suostu olemaan uskomatta (paitsi että suomi oli kakkosena, miten ihmeessä?)! eli pakko lähteä (vaikka nyt kun tajusin että oikeita töitä on enää 2 viikkoa jäljellä niin hirvittää...)!

      tanskalaisista kyllä oikeestikin hehkuu se onnellisuus, hitto mitä kansaa.
