
If you're such a poet, use your tongue and show it

My fortune cookie from last night's dinner said Love is a game that two can play and both win but it's blatant lying, because a game is not a game without a winner and a loser.

A friend of mine is half in love with a soldier who is going to Helmand in September. He's probably going to get killed. I'm half in love with everything and nothing, everyone and no-one. I quite sadly think half of the time I'm only in love with seeing my bones getting closer to the surface of my skin, my legs changing shape and my skin getting tanner.

I want to pour it all here but I can't even be bothered to, it would not change anything or it would not make anything any easier. Once again I've fallen for this thing and I don't really have time for this now, not now that I have to learn the whole of Cuban history by heart and understand why nuclear weapons don't vanish off of the face of Earth, arrange phone calls to Berlin and run to see that seven-bedroom house for rent near Russell Square.

Someone proposed to me yesterday, someone else almost completely ignored me. I don't know which one to take seriously.

Some things are better to be left unexplored. Now that should be a line that you'd find inside a fortune cookie.

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