
Lazy Sunday

I have the tickets now. I leave on the 29th and don't come back until two months have passed. The tickets are non-refundable and I'll be homeless in Copenhagen from the 29th until the 1st. But I'll be fine, at least they've got a huge street festival going on and I bet I'll find a friend or two.

I bough a magazine to pass the time and it had a spread on our future neighbourhood in Copenhagen. It felt kind of bizarre. Are you even allowed to call somewhere home if you only stay there for a couple of months?

The sun has been shining a lot and I've been running like crazy. Canadian boys have been quickly forgotten and if I'm allowed to be realistic and a bit harsh, I'm going to have to say that I understand a male friend of mine perfectly: if someone just doesn't light that spark it's better to leave the whole thing alone.

And I've been missing Paris. I think it's the regret kicking in, the one that hits when you close a door halfway through and are left pondering what could've happened if you'd done it. It has nothing to do with reality and it's a silly string of thoughts.

But still, for some odd reason, I'm craving Paris, I must be crazy.

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