
A Saturday and "The Road To Creativity"

Nine-to-five is no fun. Being inexplicably ill is no fun. Booking appointments to the doctor is no fun. Endless planning is fun, friends are fun, the adorable boy from your work is fun (although you know nothing about him except that he's got the same glasses as Allen Ginsberg, that he works down the corridor and that he happens to pass you every once in a while).

This Autumn has sent some of my most beloved friends away from where we used to share everything. Whether it be 173, 165 or 1937 kilometers and whether they're on their ambitious ways towards becoming journalists, photographers or beautiful people in general, they're way away.

Once in a while everyone seems to come back to be giddy about plans and prospects and the reality they're living right now and right here. Last Saturday afternoon that was slowly but surely turning into a breathtaking evening was one of these golden moments. "I like you all so much right now." and somehow it was the purest thing to say in that exact moment.

Still a few more struggles to go before my departure; still four paydays, forms, essays, ideas to toss around, Christmas, New Year's and birthdays. I guess I'll manage quite alright.

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