
2pac on the office stereos and chocolate from New York

It's getting cold in Helsinki. It's the perfect time to wish everyone well and escape.

Four days left.

I still need to go and get my hair bleached, my teeth bleached and my conscience bleached white from all the Summer sins I have committed.

I have become desensitized to the word combination I love you and I have grown a thicker skin than ever, but it feels like Spring in the middle of Autumn. Even the office walls and windows seem to stretch into a light and bright eternity, 19th century grids attracting what's left of Autumn sunshine - the same walls and windows that shielded the bourgeoisie a hundred years ago. Now the rooms are filled with 90's rap and bad jokes, chocolate from New York and endless tea breaks, a warmth I never expected to witness here.

London's waiting patiently and I'm waiting impatiently, shivering under layers of wool that can't keep me warm.


  1. mm yees!...
    would you tell us what kind of listen you listening at the moment mostly =)

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